Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I have an insane roommate. Literally insane. In my 2 and a half years of psych majoring I would say Manic Depressive, very fast acting. I will tell you the whole story, if you aren't interested in the life of a crazy CRAZY crazy person, I suggest you stop reading. FYI I have two awesome roommates who are nice and sweet and a life saver in this situation. I have been here for about 4 weeks. The first week I was here she was very loud, and very excited all the time. She was looking for a job as a nurse (she graduated in the spring) and any lead she had you would think she won the lotto. My Uncle Garry would never refer to her by name, only by calling her "The Drama Queen" which was very appropriate. She was always talking about her self and always talking period. She was like this for about a week or two. Then she told us about her past. Her parents had a meth lab and got busted so they moved around using false names (so she says). She went to a "boarding school" (school for troubled teens) in Tooelle. She absolutely hates Mormons which is pretty obvious when you talk to her for more than two minutes. Here comes the turn for the worse. My Dad, if you have ever met him is THE sweetest, most sincere, most caring person I know. He asked her where she went to church when he and my mom were helping me move in, and the next day, joked that no one lived here to her (since she had been staying at her boyfriends, one roommate hadn't moved in yet, and one was on vacation). So crazy says to me two weeks later "I wanted to punch your Dad in the face. I was so offended when he asked me where I went to church and said nobody lives here?" SERIOUSLY exact quote. She started leaving moldy, really moldy dishes around the house, and never cleaning them. One of my roommates left a note on the white board asking her to please clean the moldy dishes and she did it about a week later. She joined a cult about a week ago. She told us she was taking a class that at first she thought was a cult, because they did offerings and stuff, but she decided to do it. Here comes the crazy part. She left MOLDY MOLDY MOLDY bananas downstairs and they were stinking up the house. My roommate Kendra wrote on the white board, Throw away the bananas. Thursday morning she barges into my roommate Andreas room, sees she is asleep and starts screaming "did you write that note on the white board?" andrea is dead asleep and shes keeps yelling did you write that note, blah blah blah, finally andrea says get out of my room. So she runs up the stairs to wake me up and find out if i read the note. She barges in while im in the middle of a REM cycle and starts saying "Did you write the note about the moldy bananas?" and I was like "whaaa" (what in asleep talk) meanwhile Andrea heres her waking me up and wont stand for it. She marches upstairs and is yelling "You do NOT wake us up! This is NOT okay! Leave us alone" all while im still drooling. Crazy proceeds to say Why are you attacking me, like you guys are so perfect, and starts to cry, then leaves. Crazy CRAZY CRAZY. She confronts Kendra the next day (by Screaming) and then when Kendra trys to talk to her she turns up the tv volume etc and acts like a 3 year old snothead. (Crazy said "Havent you ever heard of banana bread?"...uh I havent not with MOLDY bananas) She pooped in me and Kendra's toliet and didn't flush just to be mean. She tries to pick fights at all times. We told our landlord this and the fact that she is NOT obeying the rental agreement, i.e. having men staying over (and having really loud sex) and drinking in the house. So she is moving. Not soon enough though. She started yelling at me and Andrea again today and I yelled back saying "You do not talk to me like this". Im pretty proud if you cant tell. I dont ever want to talk about her again thus, the novel I just wrote.


Andrea said...

Crazy Crazy CRaZY! you said it perfectly!!! Our life would make a great movie!!!!:) We should have a party the day she leaves.

Sweet Em said...

Wow. Bummer. Was she friends with the juvi-delinquent? Not a good track record...maybe you CAN hope for the next one to river dance.

Anonymous said...

This is Sherri - what a NIGHTMARE!

Lindsay said...

Wow....that is classic!!! I want to meet the crazy.