Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Celtics with Aiden

For the one and a half weeks my aunt and uncle are in Hawaii, I'm babysitting there four kids and a dog. I have taken pictures, but I don't have the connecting cable with me so you will have to wait. It happens that this trip to Boise coincides with the Celtics Lakers NBA finals. These kids don't watch sports so it has been fun to introduce them to Basketball. My favorite, and most enthusiastic fan has been Aiden, the 6 year old. He has actually learned a lot, but he is so silly to watch with. He would announce the score, Boston has 31 and Lal has 26. No matter how many times I told him it was the Lakers he thought it was called Lal. He would also yell things like "#9 has his shoes untied!" or "#9 has got a score!". The best had to be when he said "It went like in a toilet". I didn't quite understand what he meant so he said "It went around and around and around the hole then finally when down". He certainly makes watching the games a little more fun.

1 comment:

Sweet Em said...

Love the toilet!!

Miss you.