Monday, August 10, 2009


I've decided that when I move to Salt Lake I'm going to start couponing. Nothing hard core, it's just that I realized what I don't spend on groceries I can spend on clothes etc, so I would like to save as much as possible. Everyone always brags about these amazing blogs that help you coupon and I would like to know where these are. Thanks for your help in advance


Suzy said...

I have recently gotten into it and its fun. The blogs I use probably won't work for you cause they are for Southern stores, so a Utah person could help you better. could be a good jumping off point as she is national, but I think there would probably be a lot for Utah. Okay, that wasn't much help. Here are my favorites just to give you an idea of what to look for.

Sweet Em said...

It starts with couponing...then leads to scrap booking, then bow making, then - - PLASTIC SURGERY.

Beware. Slippery slope.

Crystal said...

Oh gosh! I'm dying at emily's comment! hahahahahaha :)

you can also google for coupon blogs. and don't can buy coupons on ebay.